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3 years of Sailing Aquarius

On January 28th, 2020 we celebrated our 3rd year anniversary aboard Aquarius… What a ride! And we’ve only made it half way… It’s been humbling and rewarding, but an unbelievable epic journey. We have had it all – good, bad, and the ugly, The beauty that this world has to offer is truly breath taking! Looking back as we started on this journey, as newbe owners of our first boat. We were running like headless chickens announcing “Now refrigerator doesn’t work”, when not knowing that we simply disconnected it from 24V panel an hour before. Luckily previous Aquarius owners taught us how to pull the ropes, and how to relax after we dropped anchor! I remember sweating our first overnight sail from Grenada to Trinidad – Not only the distance, 100 NM, looked intimidating, but pirates, and the other unknowns… We faced so many unknowns, and what we thought were major problems during the first 18 months of our journey. But, now, we roll with the waves just a bit easier. Our Pacific Ocean crossing – 21 days with no land insight and only the IridiumGO texts connecting us to friends and family on our tiny Aquarius in the vast Pacific Ocean… But, then, there it is… LAND HOOOOOO– After 3 weeks, it’s hard to convey the sensation having both feet on solid ground, but still feel the boat moving… Is that ground floating? We also saw the inner beauty and kindness of the locals on one of the most exotic and remote atolls in the world. With just a handful of people living on the Attol, and with food at a minimum they offer us dinner of coconut crab, lobster, soup, and rice! It was one of the most delicious and satisfying meals ever! Another wonder is the people we met during our voyage! Not only locals living on remote islands, but also vagabond souls like us – living on their floating mobile homes sailing toward sunset after beautiful sunset, sharing their knowledge during sundowners, and sometimes, even sharing the spare part required for us to continue the journey… It has been very rewarding. What looked like just a fun experience when people would ask us for boat maintenance and/or sailing advice now is daily reality now, as we became a trusted source for our 20+K subscribers on YouTube. And, I guess I should admit our naïve expectations - We actually thought we will have 20+K YouTube subscribers after 1st year. We were so naïve, crazy, but also adventurous, and I’m so grateful for this humbling, rich and colorful experience. We also need to thank you – no matter if support us by reaching out on our website, or commented and/or liked one of our videos, or even watched just one Sailing Aquarius Video– it all counts. When the hard days come, and they always do – if we start to doubt ourselves your support helps keep our spirits high, and shows just how much we have accomplished. And therefore, we THANK YOU, for your support. With your support we will continue to share our journey around the world – Thank You!

Ken and Zivile/Isabelle

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